- 2016 / 其它
- 主演:珂洛丽·斯普尔 Jelle de Jong
- 简介:Six friends go to party for a week during the Sneekweek. But they are haunted by a sec
- 2016 / 其它
- 主演:Thomas Ryckewaert 耶尔卡·范·侯登 约翰·雷森 Marie Louise Stheins Oscar Van Rompay
- 简介:意外Waldstille
- 2012 / 荷兰 Netherlands
- 主演: Rik Sinkeldam 艾哈迈德·阿卡比 Gigi Ravelli
- 简介: The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombies. Although much blood is flowing and many limbs chopped off, there is a lot to laugh at in this bizarre horror comedy.
- 2022 / 其它
- 主演:斯科拉·鲁特 费德贾·范·胡艾特 Sepp Ritsema Lola van Zoggel Vincent van der Valk Janni Goslinga Harpert Michielsen 蒂内·朱斯特拉 Hannah van Lunteren Nola Frensdorf Bo Tarenskeen Truus te Selle Steven Hooi Rochelle Deekman 罗塞塔·罗斯·德伦特
- 简介: A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during a professional dive. No
- 2012 / 荷兰 Netherlands
- 主演:Rik Sinkeldam 艾哈迈德·阿卡比 Gigi Ravelli
- 简介:The暂无内容bizarre暂无内容story暂无内容takes暂无内容place暂无内容in暂无内容Amsterdam-West,暂无内容where暂无内容a暂无内容virus暂无内容turns暂无
- 2012 / 荷兰 Netherlands
- 主演:Rik Sinkeldam 艾哈迈德·阿卡比 Gigi Ravelli
- 简介:The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombie
- 2016 / 其它
- 主演:Thomas Ryckewaert 耶尔卡·范·侯登 约翰·雷森 Marie Louise Stheins Oscar Van Rompay
- 简介: 本和女友婷卡以及他们年幼的女儿辛迪住在荷兰的乡村。本在游乐场里与他人起了争执,醉酒开车回家时发生了车祸,女友不幸丧生,本也因此被捕入狱。当他出狱回到家时,婷卡的父亲拒绝让他见辛迪,而辛迪也因许久未